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寻常世路寻常走, 偶尔把浮世清欢裁做歌。






2012-10-13 20:02:18|  分类: share with you |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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盘古开天辟地 - 浮光掠影 - 浮光掠影的博客



附录一:the first mythology

 here have one story.very simper.and i like it.this is first mythology of the series of wonderful chinese mythology.

this is the begining.


at the begining, the sky and earth mixed,just like super egg.

but it's not means nothing inside.have one people growing inside.a man  mame is PanGu.he just sleeping.


this rally long night,after 18000years,have one day ,he welk up ,he feels not comfortable,he feels stay in very narrow place,he even cannot breath,he got one axe(also no body know where he got that),and cleave.


then the super egg become two part.

one part light and clean ,rise up and up ,then become sky.

and the other part heave and muddy,drop down and down,then bacome earth.


after hard job,he feels so tired,so he want rest for moment.but when he sleep ,the sky and earth mix again.


so he can not rest .


he stand on the earth and hold up the sky,make there are distance far and far,and his body grow up  flowing the distance from sky and earth.

day after day ,night after night,year after year,after 18000years,he become giant,and the sky and earth rally separate.


because he is so tired ,so he fall down in the earth.

when he lie down ,his body have big change,his arm and legs became mountaines,his hairs became forest,and his breath bacame cloud.his sound bacame thunder,his blood became river.,and his eay one bacame sun and other one bacome moon.

he mixed with sky and earth,give us the world like that.


附录二:盘古开天辟地PanGu kaitianpidi


henjiu henjiu yiqian,diqiu ganggang xingchengde shihou,tianhedi shi zai yiqide,jiuxiang yige juda de jidan.danshi zhemei jidan li bushi shenme dou meiyou de,limian yunyu zhe yige shengming,------yige ren,tajiao pangu.zhishi,ta shuizhao le .


guole yiwanbaqiannian. ta xinglai,juede feichang bushufu,juede difang taixiazhai le,ta buzhidao congnali nalai yige juda de fuzi chaozhe yanqian hundun de tiandi yipi,zhege juda de jidan liecheng le liangban,qizhong yixie qing erqie qing dd dongxi manmande shengsheng,bianchneng le tian,yixie zhong er zhuo de dongxi manman de xiajiang,bianchengle dadi .



(zuowan le zhege ,pangu juede youdian lei ,yushi jiuxiang xiuxi yihuir,keshi ta ganggang tangxia,ganggang fenkai de tianhe di you hunhe zai yiqi le )


(weile ,burang ganggang fenlai de tian he di zai ronghe zai yiqi ,pangu jiao caizhe dadi,shuangshou tuozhe tian,yizhi zhanzai tiandi zhongjian.tian he di de juli yuelaiyueyuan,pangu de shenti ye duizhe tamende juli zengzhang,yitiantian,yiniannian,yizhi zheyangguole yiwan baqian nian,pangu zhangchengl yige juren ,gao jiuwanzhang,er tian he di zaiye bukeneng zai yiqi le.




pangu zhende tianlei l ,ta zhongyu tangxiale.

ta yi tangxia,shenti jiu fashengle juda de bianhua:tade sizhi biancheng le siji he shanyue,tade toufa bianchen le senlin,tade hanmao biancheng le caomu,tade huxi bianchengleyunxia,tade shengyin biancheng le leiting,ta de yachi he guge biancheng le kuangcang baoshi he kuangcang,tade xueye biancheng le heliu ,er tade yanjing ,yizhi biancheng l taiyang,yizhi bianchengle yueliang.


(pangu ziji he tiandi ronghe zaile yiqi,geile women xianzai de shijie)

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